Джойстики: Joystick Thrustmaster T.16000M FCS Flight Pack
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Joystick Thrustmaster T.16000M FCS Flight Pack

Рейтинг: Пока без рейтинга
Наличие:в наличии 110 товар(а)
Гарантия:            24  Месяцев
4604 Lei
  (с НДС)
Joystick Thrustmaster T.16000M FCS Flight Pack. PN: 2960782The T.16000M FCS features 4 independent axes, including twist rudder (controlled by rotating the stick) and progressive throttle, 16 action buttons with “braille”-style physical button identification, one 8-way Point of View (PoV) hat switch and an ergonomic trigger. Its striking orange accents and backlighting bring gamers’ immersion to a whole new level.To give simmers complete control; the TWCS throttle includes 14 buttons and one 8-way-PoV hat switch that are added to those of the joystick. In total, this provides gamers with 5 axes, 30 buttons and two 8-way PoVs – plus 3 extra axes via the optional TFRP rudder.The TFRP features 4 slide rails crafted of industrial-grade anodized aluminum. The rails’ unique design ensures totally smooth sliding motion, working in conjunction with a self-centering rudder axis: the combination of these two elements provides the perfect balance between smoothness and resistance for re-centering.
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Joystick Thrustmaster T.16000M FCS Flight Pack. PN: 2960782The T.16000M FCS features 4 independent axes, including twist rudder (controlled by rotating the stick) and progressive throttle, 16 action buttons with “braille”-style physical button identification, one 8-way Point of View (PoV) hat switch and an ergonomic trigger. Its striking orange accents and backlighting bring gamers’ immersion to a whole new level.To give simmers complete control; the TWCS throttle includes 14 buttons and one 8-way-PoV hat switch that are added to those of the joystick. In total, this provides gamers with 5 axes, 30 buttons and two 8-way PoVs – plus 3 extra axes via the optional TFRP rudder.The TFRP features 4 slide rails crafted of industrial-grade anodized aluminum. The rails’ unique design ensures totally smooth sliding motion, working in conjunction with a self-centering rudder axis: the combination of these two elements provides the perfect balance between smoothness and resistance for re-centering.

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