Светодиодные лампы: TP-LINK Tapo L930-5, Smart Wi-Fi LED
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TP-LINK Tapo L930-5, Smart Wi-Fi LED

Рейтинг: Пока без рейтинга
Наличие:в наличии 220 товар(а)
Гарантия:            24  Месяцев
895 Lei
  (с НДС)
TP-LINK "Tapo L930-5", Smart Wi-Fi LED Dimmable Strip, Multicolor, Multizone+White, 5 Meters,1000lm//Zonal Color Control - make the most of 50-section addressable color zones, to suit every mood or scenario setting.Extra White LEDs - acts as general lights, strengthening the practicability of the colorful Wi-Fi light strip.Fancy Lighting Effects - amuse yourself with well-designed animated lighting effects, available on Tapo App.Music Sync - adds more vibe by emitting dynamic lights, parallel with the surrounding music beat.Apple HomeKit Supported - control your light strip with Siri using Apple HomeKit.Voice Control- compatible with your smart voice assistants, including Alexa and Google Assistant.Surface Coating-stays durable, tidy, and complete, thanks to the high-quality PU coating on its surface.Wi-Fi Connection - with a stable connection to your networks, it works well without hub requirements.Easy Setup - attach the Light Strip with 3M Adhesive on desired spots, connect it to Wi-Fi and configure it via App.
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TP-LINK "Tapo L930-5", Smart Wi-Fi LED Dimmable Strip, Multicolor, Multizone+White, 5 Meters,1000lm//Zonal Color Control - make the most of 50-section addressable color zones, to suit every mood or scenario setting.Extra White LEDs - acts as general lights, strengthening the practicability of the colorful Wi-Fi light strip.Fancy Lighting Effects - amuse yourself with well-designed animated lighting effects, available on Tapo App.Music Sync - adds more vibe by emitting dynamic lights, parallel with the surrounding music beat.Apple HomeKit Supported - control your light strip with Siri using Apple HomeKit.Voice Control- compatible with your smart voice assistants, including Alexa and Google Assistant.Surface Coating-stays durable, tidy, and complete, thanks to the high-quality PU coating on its surface.Wi-Fi Connection - with a stable connection to your networks, it works well without hub requirements.Easy Setup - attach the Light Strip with 3M Adhesive on desired spots, connect it to Wi-Fi and configure it via App.

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