Блоки питания: Power Supply ATX 1050W GAMEMAX GX-1050 PRO
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Power Supply ATX 1050W GAMEMAX GX-1050 PRO

Рейтинг: Пока без рейтинга
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Гарантия:            24  Месяцев
2276 Lei
  (с НДС)
Power Supply ATX 1050W GAMEMAX GX-1050 PRO, 80+ Gold, ATX3.0, PCIe5.0, LLC+DC/DC, Full Modular, Black. ATX3.0, PCIe5.0 Power supply, originally comes with a PCIe5.0 12VPHWR connector, which makes it easier directly connect to the latest RTX40xx GPU series card, directly link! Without current loss compared with an old adapter cable technology!?Programming LLC MPS1213 Chipset LLC, More flexible than traditional LLC circuit design, Using software programming can make the entire LLC resonant circuit work in the best state. Good efficiency performance at light load and full load.?DC-DC is controlled by the UP3861 chip. The 3.3V and 5V drive outputs form a 180-degree phase difference. more stable and the ripple noise is effectively reduced?PCIE5.0 ready, Directly link by 12VPHWR connector, Provide 600W to GPU card! Additional along with rich connectors on backplane?MPS6924 chip for synchronous rectification, which makes the synchronous rectification MOS tube always work in the best state and further improves the overall efficiency.?Integrated all solid capacitors, Free-Cable module output, lower loss power?105? main Japanese capacitor has a long life and smooth output?The temperature-controlled turbocharged axial fan is extremely quiet?Total SIX levels of protection, OTP, OCP, SCP, OVP, UVP, OPP?All black flat pure copper output cables, efficient and powerful?Components by SMT produced, Quick 3D heat dissipation and more stable
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Power Supply ATX 1050W GAMEMAX GX-1050 PRO, 80+ Gold, ATX3.0, PCIe5.0, LLC+DC/DC, Full Modular, Black. ATX3.0, PCIe5.0 Power supply, originally comes with a PCIe5.0 12VPHWR connector, which makes it easier directly connect to the latest RTX40xx GPU series card, directly link! Without current loss compared with an old adapter cable technology!?Programming LLC MPS1213 Chipset LLC, More flexible than traditional LLC circuit design, Using software programming can make the entire LLC resonant circuit work in the best state. Good efficiency performance at light load and full load.?DC-DC is controlled by the UP3861 chip. The 3.3V and 5V drive outputs form a 180-degree phase difference. more stable and the ripple noise is effectively reduced?PCIE5.0 ready, Directly link by 12VPHWR connector, Provide 600W to GPU card! Additional along with rich connectors on backplane?MPS6924 chip for synchronous rectification, which makes the synchronous rectification MOS tube always work in the best state and further improves the overall efficiency.?Integrated all solid capacitors, Free-Cable module output, lower loss power?105? main Japanese capacitor has a long life and smooth output?The temperature-controlled turbocharged axial fan is extremely quiet?Total SIX levels of protection, OTP, OCP, SCP, OVP, UVP, OPP?All black flat pure copper output cables, efficient and powerful?Components by SMT produced, Quick 3D heat dissipation and more stable

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