, reflecta Visilux Studio Kit 300 483.05
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reflecta Visilux Studio Kit 300

Рейтинг: Пока без рейтинга
Наличие:нет наличии 0 товар(а)
Гарантия:            12  Месяцев
7018 Lei
  (с НДС)
Studio equipment set Reflecta Visilux Studio Kit 300The Studio Flash is particulary suitable for semiprofessional use because of the compact size, the low weight, the clearly arranged operating elements and the stepless control of the Modeling lamp with 4 control modes.The Flash-Head is provided with LED Display, Cooling, Overheating-Protection and 5 Synchro-Flash Modes with different release-deferment.The stepless output-adjustment from 1/1 to 1/32 and stepless adjustment of the modeling lamp provide for a perfect lightning for Studios, for Digital Photography and for background illumination.The StudioFlashSet contains a comprehensive Accessory-Package consisting of Transparent + Silver-Reflective Umbrella, 2 Softboxes, Remote Control, Carrying Bag. Thanks to the flexibility it offers the perfect Light source for each use.
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Studio equipment set Reflecta Visilux Studio Kit 300The Studio Flash is particulary suitable for semiprofessional use because of the compact size, the low weight, the clearly arranged operating elements and the stepless control of the Modeling lamp with 4 control modes.The Flash-Head is provided with LED Display, Cooling, Overheating-Protection and 5 Synchro-Flash Modes with different release-deferment.The stepless output-adjustment from 1/1 to 1/32 and stepless adjustment of the modeling lamp provide for a perfect lightning for Studios, for Digital Photography and for background illumination.The StudioFlashSet contains a comprehensive Accessory-Package consisting of Transparent + Silver-Reflective Umbrella, 2 Softboxes, Remote Control, Carrying Bag. Thanks to the flexibility it offers the perfect Light source for each use.

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